Monday, October 31, 2016

Kelsey's first Halloween

Happy Halloween from Kelsey! She is rocking her pumpkin hat and is looking forward to seeing some trick or treaters today.

10.30 Kelsey first bath

Kelsey loved her first bath. It's like she was sunbathing and being a typically girl she loved getting her hair brushed.  Hopefully this means she will be a beach baby like her parents.

Friday, October 28, 2016

Kelsey visits the dr 10.28

Healthy report for our baby girl who meet with the pediatrician.  Gotta love her cheeks

Meeting Kelsey 10.26

Thanks for all the visitors who came to visit Kelsey in the hospital! Here are a few pics of your first meeting. Sorry for those pics we missed...I'll blame it on the high dose of meds. Love you all!

Taking Kelsey home 10.27

We left the hospital on Thursday to head home for the first time with Kelsey, in her little pumpkin onsies. Let's just say she loves sleeping in her car seat and we had a smooth (amazingly slow if you know the way Mat drives) ride home.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Pumpkin arrives 10.25

It's a girl! Kelsey Theodora LaSalvia born 6:09am 9lbs 7 Oz and 21.5" long. After barely making it out of La Campagna Restaurant in Morristown for dinner on Monday night we headed to the hospital. After 11 hours of labor we were blessed with a baby girl who also happens to share her Grand Aunt Janets birthday. So blessed and excited for the LaSalvia to finally have a baby girl :). 

Friday, October 21, 2016

Date night at Cucina Colandros

Enjoying (maybe our last night out) as a family of 2 before little pumpkin arrives. #cheesybreadandpumpkinravoli

Friday, October 14, 2016

Apple picking Wrightman Farms

Annual trip to the farm for Apple picking. Unfortunately there were very little apples left to pick but we were able to get enough so Kristen can make Mat his apple pie. We also saw a proposal which of course brought us back to the day when Mat asked Kristen to marry him. It was a fun but exhausting trip being 9 months pregnant and all. But we think our little pumpkin enjoyed his/her trip to the Orchard.