Monday, November 27, 2017

Getting in the cookie spirit

Kelsey is so excited for cookie day coming up with the girls in December! So she had to find her special cookie day apron and model it around the house. She has her milk ready to go for all the awesome cookies we will bake for the holidays!

Waddle it be ?

Waddle it Be! Joe and Kim had such a cute gender reveal, even if the ducks weren't cooperating at first and Kelsey's bath ducks had to make an appearance. And the special baby duck turned the water pink, so baby Tortora is a girl. We couldn't be happier for Kim and Joe and Kelsey is excited for a girl cousin!

Leopard print

Kelsey was the best dressed outside at daycare today. She loves the coat Cioci got her!

Hosting our first Thanksgiving

We are so thankful that our entire family was able to join us for Thansgiving at our house. Daddy even put up our Christmas lights to end the night on a festive note. The turkey was a success and all the food went off without a hitch. And following this post will be the gender reveal of baby Tortora that we were all able to take part in! Kelsey especially loved the turkey, lasagna and mashed potatoes!

Pony tail

So close to being Pebbles. A few more weeks and Kelsey's hair will be long enough for a real top pony!

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Sunday dinner

Grandparents La made gravy today and we were lucky enough to go over to enjoy a delicious dinner. Kelsey loved playing kitchen with Thomas, watching Ryan with the power ranger spinner and getting a free ride on the Smurf train with her cousins pushing her. She also enjoyed 2 meatballs, pasta and garlic bread :)

Visiting Mema

Kelsey loved tapping her feet alongside Mema and showing off with lots of waving and walking around the house. She loved playing the real piano with Aunt Debbie and with all the snoopy music toys. She also enjoyed watching the doggy run up and down the furniture lol.

Hibachi Princess

Kelsey loved watching the hibachi show with Grandparents Mc by our chef who put on a great show. Kelsey especially loved all the lights and singing happy birthday so many times. She had shrimp for the first time and devoured it!

Friday, November 17, 2017

Fall baby

Kelsey is rocking her Ugs, hanging outside with Mommy and Daddy. What a cute little fall bear.

Minnie mouse

Kelsey wearing her favorite character.

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

MSS Thanksgiving Feast

Kelsey enjoyed her first Thanksgiving Feast. We loved all the songs the kids sang and sharing in the tradition. She was giving her Ms America wave showing off for all her favorite teachers.

Monday, November 13, 2017

Just sitting and eating

Ms. Miriam was proud to announce that Kelsey can now sit in her chair and feed herself sitting up straight like a big girl. And, she even feed herself at home. She s getting so big!

Kelsey in the leaves

Kelsey lets say was not a fan of the big leaf pile Daddy made for her. We tried but she was much happier sitting in the grass and waving to everyone who walked by lol.

Sunday, November 12, 2017

First time using a straw

Another milestone Kelsey knows how to drink out of a straw. She does it so good all by herself!

Friday, November 10, 2017

1 year check up

Kelsey was a champ today getting four needles at her year checkup. Kelsey weighs 23lb 12oz (91%) is 29.5" long (54%) and her head measures in the 91%. She is growing beautifully according to Dr Forbes :)

Kelsey loves Cioci

Kelsey had an awesome time playing with Cioci and loved the fire truck Uncle Bongo gave her. She loves hearing the music and lights! She feels so lucky to have such great family and someone to always sing her the perogi song!

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Fun in Huggies room

Kelsey is enjoying playing in her new room with Ms. Miriam and is finally not screaming like a banci when Mommy leaves in the morning. It's been a rough few weeks at morning drop off so we are so happy for our smiling happy girl.

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Halloween crafts

Kelsey brought home her arts and crafts from MSS. What cute bat feet we have!