Saturday, March 30, 2019


Kelsey was so happy that Uncle Joe and Cioci took her to see the firetrucks at Cranford Station. We had such a fun afternoon with firetrucks,
playing outside, dinner and ice cream. Dante was our little fire chief.

Reading time

Dante had a blast while Kelsey read him a book. My little book worms!


Kelsey was so excited to start swimming in the tadpole class. She is such a big girl swimming with just one noodle in the pool and jumping off the block looking at daddy underwater.

Thursday, March 28, 2019

End of Daddy Daycare

Some highlights from the last week home with Daddy! 
last of morning snuggles with Daddy

Thanks Daddy for putting together my bouncer!

Look Daddy I found my bottom lip. This face is priceless! 

Dante transition day

Dante had a fun day at MSS. Smiling for his stroller ride and jumping in the bouncer. And yes they had to adjust it since he's bigger than the other babies.

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Dante is bouncing

Dante is enjoying his first time in the bouncer in his classroom at school. He is getting ready to start next week and so far loves being there!

School fun

loving the new pre k playground at school 

Monday, March 25, 2019

Dante first foods

Dante had carrots today. Take a look at that face, it seems that he liked them!

Waiting anxiously for his food, the before picture. 

Happy Retirement Grandpa

We had a great time at Lou Cas celebrating Grandpa Mc retirement.


Jeep time

Kelsey tried out her new truck today. She needs a little practice steering but it was a success bc of loves the radio action.

Friday, March 22, 2019

Happy 6 Months Dante

Happy half birthday Dante. You are rolling all over the place, love playing with your toes, babbling all day long, and is eating a 10.5 oz bottle for bedtime for about 8 hours of sleep. Cant wait to see next month when he starts eating foods!

Dante 6 month dr visit

Dante did well at his 6 month checkup. He's hitting all the milestones, and has jumped to 98% in weight and 97% height at 21.6 lbs and 28". Let's just say everyone keeps telling us how big he is and we really can't argue after that report!

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

St Patrick's Day

We had a fun St. Patrick's Day. Starting at our friends Danielle party, where Kelsey and Sammy danced their hearts out.

And, we ended the night at Uncle Joe's and Aunt Dana's for an exciting night! 
Even though it may not look it, Charlotte is one month older than Dante. 

Crazy eyed Dante
 Cousins <3

Sunday, March 17, 2019

First haircut

Darlene came over to give Dante his first haircut. She didn't think it would be that much hair and the realized he has the LaSalvia hairline. Lol. In her words Dante is
going to be Grandpa La's mini.

Union St. Patrick's Day Parade

Happy birthday Grandpa Mc. Had a great time joining you at the parade. So fun seeing Aunt Janet and Vinny marching. Kelsey loved the bagpipes, pink fire truck and dogs in the parade.
Love that Kelsey and Kayleigh have the same stink face. #cousins. 

Saturday, March 16, 2019

Cousin playtime

All the LaSalvia cousins got to play at Malapardis park on a beautiful March day.

Friday, March 15, 2019

Miss Kelsey

Kelsey was reading and telling all sorts of stories from the card she got today. Little ms teacher!


Kelsey enjoyed playing with Noah
and Liam and gave them both big hugs before taking this pictures.

Thursday, March 14, 2019

My loves

They can't possibly get any cuter together. Dante was so excited he even rolled over!!!

Sunday, March 10, 2019