Monday, April 29, 2019

Dante's class

Dante is learning about the solar system while he works on tummy time. Let's see if this gets him closer to crawling.
He also loved playing with the sensor bag and piano like he has at home. 

Kelsey Special Day

It was Kelsey's special day at school today. She shared her Minnie toy, read Wheels on the Bus to her class and everyone had applesauce as their snack since its Kelsey's favorite. As you can tell,  she loved being the center of attention. They even let her choose the music that was played in class today!

Brother and Sister

Great faces for our photoshoots.

Kelsey 2.5 year check up

Kelsey and Daddy at her 2.5 year check up. She is 37 lbs, 37" 99% for weight and 80% for height. She is healthy and growing like such a good girl. We are still working on potty training but it's getting easy and she loves waving goodbye to her poop lol. 

Baby bears

Dante having fun at school.

Belly time

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Daycare fun

Dante and Kelsey were able to pose for a picture together at school during one of his stroller rides around the playground where Kelsey was playing.
 Kelsey painting a project on earth day!

Dante room

Dante loves the new look of his room. Thanks Uncle Ricky! 

Monday, April 22, 2019

Happy 7 Months Dante

Dante is 7 months today! He is rolling over, loves sleeping on his belly, can sit for about 5 minutes at a time before face planting. He is eating peaches, apples, carrots, and sweet potatoes to name a few of his favorites. He is sleeping for 8 hours, loves his pacifier,

takes a 10oz nightly bottle and is putting all toys and blankets in his mouth. He also loves sleeping with his boo and blanket on his cheek.

Happy Easter

Dante had a great 1st Easter starting with the McGowan's and then over to Aunt Debbie's with the LaSalvia's.
Kelsey loved her paw patrol basket and Dante was rocking his bunny sunglasses. While Daddy rocked Kelsey's bunny ears. 

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Good Friday

We enjoyed a great family holiday at Grandparents La's house. Kelsey pooped in the fort, pushed Ryan off her train and wrestled with Ricky. She loved her Sky basket. What a good find Grandma!! And Dante showed off his muscular legs :)

And Dante looking like Ryan's mini me

Easter Bunny

Kelsey loved saying hi and waving to the Easter bunny. It was a great visit, even though Dante kept eating the bunny's tie.

Thursday, April 18, 2019

School egg hunt

Kelsey and Dante had a great day at school participating in the egg hunt.

 Dante enjoying the bouncer!

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Egg Hunt

We had such a great time with our neighbors even though it was chilly for an April night.

Kelsey's first official egg hunt was a success, she went around naming each color of the egg as she picked them up.

School eggs

Both Kelsey and Dante dyed eggs today at school for their Easter hunt tomorrow.

Monday, April 15, 2019

Cousins playtime

Aunt Kim and Kayleigh came up for a visit and we were able to enjoy time outside before the crazy rain. Kelsey and Kayleigh both called it a night with the same sleeping and thumb sucking pose. So many laughs!

Yankees Game

Kelsey got her official first visit ;) to Yankee Stadium certificate. We picked a beautiful day for a game and Kelsey had a blast standing, clapping, and yelling "go Yankees" and "home run" after seeing Judge hit one out. Gotta love the tax day cheap tickets!
And a big thank you to the LaSalvia's for watching Dante while we were at the game!

Wednesday, April 10, 2019


Kelsey was working on #8 and water coloring paint today at school.

Dante day at school

Dante had his special day at school today. They read his favorite book, wheels on the bus to celebrate.

Stay tuned for Kelsey's day that happens at the end of the month.

Happy Sibling Day!

Morning snuggles. The cutest faces to wake up too! 

St Patrick's Day Kelsey

Our little lucky charm. Modeling her artwork beard. 

Dante first art project

We got Dante's first art project from school. His foot is beeautiful!

Friday, April 5, 2019

Friday funday

Kelsey showed Dante the ball pit today, let's just say there was lots of laughs!

 Where is Dante hiding...

Thursday at Grandma La's

Kelsey and Dante had a blast together at Grandma's!
Nap time
 Ready for breakfast
Bouncing with Nemo

Kelsey crafts

Our little artist 

 The hat from Dr Suess week