Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Milk time

Kiddios enjoying their nighttime milk snack.

Ready for the nightly numbers. Kelsey got 3 right! 

Panda for a day

Kelsey spent the day with the Panda class.

Enjoying school

Look who stopped over from the big kids playground to visit her brother!

Sunday, February 23, 2020

Warm winter day

Kelsey was washing her car so it would look as nice as Daddy's car. Dante was in charge of the radio. #letitgo
Dante pointing and yelling "car" everytime a car drove by.
Dressing the tires.
Moving onto lawn work. 


When your daughter requests Hibachi for dinner you don't disappoint.

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Double ear infection

Poor Dante had a double ear infection we found out today but he still had lots of fun at school.

Tea time
Hello, who is it
Huggies bear

Rainy Day Crafts

Dante's boots
And don't forget your umbrella, bc

Storm clouds are coming! 

Park time

We snuck in a little park time in the warm weather, after Mommy was done with work, before our dinner with the Foody's.

Sunday, February 16, 2020

Hanging with Grandparents Mc

Great time visiting Grandparents Mc. Lots of laughs.
 Guess whose hiding underneath the table.
 All I want to do is play in the bin. Can you blame this face?

Grandma's Party

Family time celebrating Grandma La!!

Friday, February 14, 2020

My Valentine's

We had a fun Valentine's Day. Kelsey's valentine (daddy) watched her at swim practice and she went to her school party to exchange Valentine's with her friends. Then Daddy made heart shaped raviolis for dinner. Yum!

Grandma La day

Kelsey and Dante were so happy to spend Grandma La's birthday with her!